New Entries
Today I have more US stamps... the stock keeps bigger and bigger and from times to times I have to update my New US entries...A small selection from stamps of the 60's,70's,80's and even 90's is presented in this post ,particularly some nice engraved stamps... in the last two posts , a vast majority of the stamps were [Photo] printed, so this time the choice was obvious...
Classifying US stamps is an immense joy,not only because of its diversity ,but also because there is a large amount of information about all the little details that "fill" our collectors day to day...I recently bought the Scott 2013 Scott Specialized Catalog,but I didn't had the chance of using it in my classification work, because there was no need...this catalog really makes the difference when we are talking of the early classics,with lots of those small and "difficult" details...

A 1st group of stamps from the 60's where I want to highlight the Mixed printings of some of is very rewarding to know the evolution of the printers in BEP (Bureau of Engraving and Printing).. I will leave here a small transcription of the 'Mystic 2006/2007 US Stamp Catalog' where in resume this evolution is described : "In 1847 , when the presses first began to move, they didn't 'roll', they 'stamped'.. (..) by 1926 , all denominations up to 10c (..) were printed by Rotary Press (..) until the Giori Press was introduced in 1957, all bi-color stamps were printed in two runs on flat presses...The Giori Press utilized rollers to apply different colors of ink at the same time to a plate. the rollers put the ink only where it was needed ,rather than coating the whole surface, so that only one printing run was needed(..)" [ Text ]
For a very good and detailed Article about this subject , please read "Linns"
1) The first stamp show us the portrait of Sir Winston Churchill , prominent figure of the WWII Allied movement...a nice engraving by C.A.Brooks in a very famous stamp...
1965 "Honoring Sir Winston Churchill" (1) [Des (Richard Hurd)][Engr (C.A.Brooks)][Recess] Sc(1254)
2) the 2nd and 6th stamps are part of the "American Artist" series.. one stamp for year was issued in this series where a painting from a particular Artist this case, the Artist was Mary Cassatt and the painting highlighted was "The Boating Party"...this is a fine example of the usage of the Giori Press (GPP).
1966 "American Artists / Mary Cassatt" (1) [Des(Robert J. Jones) after the painting 'The Boating Party'][Recess (GPP)] Sc(1322)
3) The "Airlift" stamp was used for parcels sent to US servicemen in foreign this stamp , a usual combination of [Litho] and [Recess (GPP)] printing was used ...
1968 "Airlift" (1) [Des (Stevan Dohanos)][Recess (GPP)][Litho] Sc(1341)
4) A nice stamp representing the Exploring Adventure of Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet through the Waters of the Mississippi river...
1) The first stamp show us the portrait of Sir Winston Churchill , prominent figure of the WWII Allied movement...a nice engraving by C.A.Brooks in a very famous stamp...
1965 "Honoring Sir Winston Churchill" (1) [Des (Richard Hurd)][Engr (C.A.Brooks)][Recess] Sc(1254)
2) the 2nd and 6th stamps are part of the "American Artist" series.. one stamp for year was issued in this series where a painting from a particular Artist this case, the Artist was Mary Cassatt and the painting highlighted was "The Boating Party"...this is a fine example of the usage of the Giori Press (GPP).
1966 "American Artists / Mary Cassatt" (1) [Des(Robert J. Jones) after the painting 'The Boating Party'][Recess (GPP)] Sc(1322)
3) The "Airlift" stamp was used for parcels sent to US servicemen in foreign this stamp , a usual combination of [Litho] and [Recess (GPP)] printing was used ...
1968 "Airlift" (1) [Des (Stevan Dohanos)][Recess (GPP)][Litho] Sc(1341)
4) A nice stamp representing the Exploring Adventure of Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet through the Waters of the Mississippi river...
it is a nice stamp, well designed , but like many others in this and subsequent periods has problems with the printing work , where it is visible a small displacement of some colors...
1968 "Father Jacques Marquette and the Mississippi River Exploration" (1) [Des (Stanley W. Galli)][Recess GPP)] Sc(1356)
5) 1968 "75th Anniversary of the Opening of Cherokee Strip to Settlers" (1) [Des (Norman Todhunter)][Engr (J.S.Creamer)][Recess (RPP)] Ac(1360)
(excerpts from a movie from the 20's about this subject)
5) 1968 "75th Anniversary of the Opening of Cherokee Strip to Settlers" (1) [Des (Norman Todhunter)][Engr (J.S.Creamer)][Recess (RPP)] Ac(1360)
(excerpts from a movie from the 20's about this subject)
6) Another stamp from the 'American Artists' series.. the Artist in focus is John Trumbull and his painting 'The Battle of Bunkers Hill'... a beautiful stamp, with printing by GPP..
1968 "American Artists : John Trumbull" (1) [Des (Robert J.Jones)][Recess (GPP)][Litho] Sc(1361)
7) 1969 "Bicentenary of California" (1) [Des ((Leonard Buckley)(H.C. Mildner)][Recess] Sc(1373)
8) The last of this small group of stamps from the 60's is dedicated to the commemoration of the Exploration of the River Colorado by John Wesley Powell in 1869...
1969 "Centenary of Colorado River Exploration" (1) [Des (Rudolph Vendelin)][Recess (GPP)][Litho] Sc(1374)

The only 3 space stamps from the 70's I have to show today...all of them are commemorating the departure of Space missions to other planets in our system...
1)2) 1975 "US Unmanned Space Accompliesments" (2) [Des (Robert T.McCall 1)(Roy Gjertson 2)][Recess][Litho] Sc(1558,1557)
3) 1978 "2nd Anniversary of the Landing of 'Viking 1' on Mars" (1) [Des (Robert T.McCall)][Recess][Litho] Sc(1759)

In my opinion , to get a good final result from a portrait engraving is much more difficult than in a landscape or other kind of Engraving ... the portrait really enhances the Master qualities of the engraver.. I must say that neither of the two portraits now presented are master works.. in fact they are far from it ... In the first stamp, representing the Poet Robert Frost , the engraving is very conditioned by the difficult design of Paul Calle , but in the 2nd we should expect something much better , because the design is very helpful (with a clear and linear background and where the usage of the usual engraving Technics for the portrait of Adolph Ochs was possible..)... the design of this 2nd stamp is work of Bradbury Thompson , a very influential Artist in what concerns to stamp Designing in this period...I will focus later in this post to his collaboration with the Engraver Thomas R. Hipschen with the presentation of 3 or 4 important and famous stamps...
The 3rd stamp is a simple commemoration of the Movie Maker D.W.Griffith and in 4th place we have a se-tenant pair of stamps commemorating the Banking and Commerce Activities.. it is very well designed and engraved...
1) 1974 "Birth Centenary of the Poet Robert Frost" (1) [Des (Paul Calle)][Recess] Sc(1526)
2) 1976 "Adolph S. Ochs (Publisher of New York Times)" (1) [Des (Bradbury Thompson)][Recess] Sc(1700)
3) 1975 "Griffith Commemoration" (1) [Des (F.Otnes)][Recess][Litho] Sc(1555)
4) 1975 "Banking and Commerce" (2) [Des (V.J.Ruther)][Recess][Litho] Sc(1577,1578)

3 more stamps from the 70's , the first two from the same series of 1978...nice engraving work..
1)2) 1978 "Bicentenary of Cook's Visits to Hawaii and Alaska" (2) [Des (R.F.Szabo)(J.Katalan)][Engr (E.P.Archer)(J.S.Wallace)(R.G.Culin)][Recess] Sc(1732,1733)
3) 1977 "50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Peace Bridge" (1) [Des (Bernard Brussel-Smith)][Recess] Sc(1721)

As promised above , here are 4 stamps representing some of the joint effort work of Bradbury Thompson and Thomas R. Hipschen ... it is clear the quality of both the design and engraving... 3 of the 4 stamps are already from the 80's but I decided to show them now in a separate section
1) 1979 "John Steinbeck" (1) [Des (Bradbury Thompson)][Engr (Thomas R. Hipschen)(J.C.Masure)][Recess] Sc(1773)
2) 1984 "Herman Melville Commemoration" (1) [Des (*)][Engr (*)(R.G.Culin)][Recess] Sc(2094)
3) 1982 "Birth Centenary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt" (1) [Des (*)][Engr (*)(T.J.Bakos)][Recess] Sc(1950)
4) 1984 "Eleanor Roosevelt" (1) [Des (*)][Engr (*)(Robert G.Culin Sr.)][Recess] Sc(2105)

1)2)3)4) the first 4 stamps are obviously from the same 1981 series about Desert Plants...the stamps were designed by F.J.Waslick) and Engraved by J.S. Creamer and R.G.Culin .... the series is [Recess][Litho] printed Sc(1942,...,1945)
5) Another Hipschen engraving, a truly excellent one!!..please see that the work remind us of an old document or an ancient engraving , but the illustrations were made by Richard Schletch of Virginia for this joint issue of US and Germany...
1983 "300th Anniversary of the First German Settlers" (1) [Des (Richard Schletch)][Engr (Thomas R. Hipschen)(T.J.Bakos)][Recess] Sc(2040)
6) stamp commemorating the life and work of the Novelist Horatio Alger.. the design was based in the cover of one of his books...
1982 "150th Birth Anniversary of Horatio Alger (Novelist)" (1) [Des (Robert Hallock)][Engr (G.J.Slaght)(G.M.Chaconas)][Recess] Sc(2010)
7) Horace Moses was the founder of the Junior Achievement Training Organization...his portrait was designed by Dennys Lyall and has another competent engraving work by Thomas Hipschen. Sc(2095)
2) 1976 "Adolph S. Ochs (Publisher of New York Times)" (1) [Des (Bradbury Thompson)][Recess] Sc(1700)
3) 1975 "Griffith Commemoration" (1) [Des (F.Otnes)][Recess][Litho] Sc(1555)
4) 1975 "Banking and Commerce" (2) [Des (V.J.Ruther)][Recess][Litho] Sc(1577,1578)

3 more stamps from the 70's , the first two from the same series of 1978...nice engraving work..
1)2) 1978 "Bicentenary of Cook's Visits to Hawaii and Alaska" (2) [Des (R.F.Szabo)(J.Katalan)][Engr (E.P.Archer)(J.S.Wallace)(R.G.Culin)][Recess] Sc(1732,1733)
3) 1977 "50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Peace Bridge" (1) [Des (Bernard Brussel-Smith)][Recess] Sc(1721)

As promised above , here are 4 stamps representing some of the joint effort work of Bradbury Thompson and Thomas R. Hipschen ... it is clear the quality of both the design and engraving... 3 of the 4 stamps are already from the 80's but I decided to show them now in a separate section
1) 1979 "John Steinbeck" (1) [Des (Bradbury Thompson)][Engr (Thomas R. Hipschen)(J.C.Masure)][Recess] Sc(1773)
2) 1984 "Herman Melville Commemoration" (1) [Des (*)][Engr (*)(R.G.Culin)][Recess] Sc(2094)
3) 1982 "Birth Centenary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt" (1) [Des (*)][Engr (*)(T.J.Bakos)][Recess] Sc(1950)
4) 1984 "Eleanor Roosevelt" (1) [Des (*)][Engr (*)(Robert G.Culin Sr.)][Recess] Sc(2105)

1)2)3)4) the first 4 stamps are obviously from the same 1981 series about Desert Plants...the stamps were designed by F.J.Waslick) and Engraved by J.S. Creamer and R.G.Culin .... the series is [Recess][Litho] printed Sc(1942,...,1945)
5) Another Hipschen engraving, a truly excellent one!!..please see that the work remind us of an old document or an ancient engraving , but the illustrations were made by Richard Schletch of Virginia for this joint issue of US and Germany...
1983 "300th Anniversary of the First German Settlers" (1) [Des (Richard Schletch)][Engr (Thomas R. Hipschen)(T.J.Bakos)][Recess] Sc(2040)
6) stamp commemorating the life and work of the Novelist Horatio Alger.. the design was based in the cover of one of his books...
1982 "150th Birth Anniversary of Horatio Alger (Novelist)" (1) [Des (Robert Hallock)][Engr (G.J.Slaght)(G.M.Chaconas)][Recess] Sc(2010)
7) Horace Moses was the founder of the Junior Achievement Training Organization...his portrait was designed by Dennys Lyall and has another competent engraving work by Thomas Hipschen. Sc(2095)
Two stamps commemorating the Veterans of the Korean and I Word Wars...The first stamp was engraved again by Hipschen and the 2nd by the Polish Engraver Czeslaw Slania, considered by many as the world's best Stamp engraver...The designs are respectively of Robert A. Anderson and Richard Scheaff ....Sc(2152,2154)
To end this post , I've got a small section dedicated to a PDSMID (Please Don't Show Me In Detail) stamp...
in a first view you can see a normal and somehow appealing stamp, but if you click on the picture to see it's detailed view, You will find a very weak design work,where all the faces in the crowd seem like pictures of a bad comic book...
1983 "American Sports Personalities Series [Babe Ruth]" (1) [Des (R. Gangel)][Engr (J.S.Wallace)(G.J.Slaght)][Recess] Sc(2046)
and now a "Cinderella" stamp
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