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It is no secret that Argentina's Philately is rich in Famous series...just to talk a little about them I can name 3 : the 1899/1903 "Liberty And Shield" , the 1911/1912 "Ploughman" and the 1936/1937 "Industries" series... I have already many stamps of these series, obligatory in any World collection, but two years ago I found some pdf files that changed my vision of Argentina's stamps... I will only share here the file about the 1935 definitive series, that is much more complex than what is shown to us in current catalogs , even Argentinian that time I decided not to enter new stamps from this series without a closer and detailed the stamps from Argentina were accumulating until today when I have some first stamps of the earlier days to show...
These are stamps from a mixed series of perforated and rouletted stamps...the stamps represent respectively General Manuel Belgrano , General José de San Martin (Omnipresent in the Argentinian stamps...) , Bernardino Rivadavia and Vicente Lopez... the two 8c stamps presented have 'lake' color but are from different shades (the 4th stamp is clearly a more dull lake).. The 2c stamps could be of two different types : A) corresponding to the green color (5th stamp) ...the difference between these two types lies on the left and right frame base, immediately above the bottom value label.. in the type A, we could see a green shade in it's interior B) the 6th and 7th stamps are from a yellow green color, and the shaded area in the base of the frame is decreasing until the almost pure white interior, corresponding to the almost pure Yellow Green stamp (7th)... it is difficult to explain it with other words , but perhaps it is easier with pictures.. You can look at (pic 4). I could not find the the codes for the type A stamps ;

[Left] 1920 "General Urquiza's Victory at Cepeda" (1) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(283)
[Right] 1920 "Birth Centenary of Dr. Juan Pujol" (1) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(247)

[Left] 1928 "Centenary of the Peace Convention Between Brazil and Argentina" (2) [Des (Amadeo Dell Acqua)][Litho (MINT, Buenos Aires) Sc(370)
[Right] 1933 "500th Anniversary of the Foundation of La Plata" (5) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(411)

[Left] 1968 "Fishing in the National Parks" (1) [Des (H. Guimarans)][Engr (M.A.Cabrera)][Recess] Sc(829A)
[Right] "Pope John XXIII" (1) [Recess] Sc(763)
pic 1
we will see very similar designs through these first years ... the portrait represents Bernardino Rivadavia, the first President of Argentina, in office from 1826 to that we are beginning this small introduction I must say that from 1862 until 1892, we only will find portrait (many of them..!!) and coat of arms stamps (2 or 3 series..) ...another fact that immediately "pop up" in front of us is the enormous influence of ABNC in these days, not only in Argentina but in all the Central and South American countries..from 1864 to. 1884 all the Argentinian portrait stamps were designed, engraved and printed by ABNC... the high quality of the engravings, papers and printings is constant in these series....the two stamps above were issued in 1868, both are from type B (see the crossed lines portrait background, in contrast to the Type A, more scars, with horizontally lined background..).. it is a clear vermilion stamp, but I must admit that a great amount of color shades can be found in posterior series...
1867/1874 "Portraits" (5) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(20,20)
pic 2
3 stamps from the next pictorial series, with representations of General Antonio Gonzalez de Balcarce and Mariano Moreno . the 1c stamp has 3 color varieties possible : violet, deep mauve and pale mauve [SG] or just 2 , Purple and Gray violet [Sc] ... in either case , i think that the one i present is the Violet variety...Brown and Red brown(Sc) [Chestnut Brown (SG)] are possible in the 4c stamp, and I have 2 items of the brown color...I talked several times of this 'Color Subject' , and I still continue to think that is urgent to look to catalogs and arrange a unified version... it is not possible to have 2 of the most important catalogs continuing to "see" different colors in the same stamp..!!! It is comprehensible that SG and Sc don't want to sit at the same table to discuss this subject, but , in the end , they must see that we are the one's who pay for their catalogs, and our opinion should be the "one and only" that counts for them...!
1873 "Portraits" (5) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(22a,23,23)
pic 3
pic 4
1877/1887 "Portraits" (8) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(35,37,39,39,?,38,38)
from 1877 to 1888, some overprinted and/or surcharged series were issued, with designs and values from previous series...a new portrait series, this time [Litho] printed in Buenos Aires was also issued in 1888... I have some stamps from the overprinted series , but I choose not to present them today... so we are now in 1888 with the issue of a new [Recess] printed portrait series, this time printed in the new section created by ABNC in Buenos Aires : the SABNC (South American Bank Note Company, Buenos Aires)...we will see that the engravings and designs are still of good quality, but the printings in some cases (specially in the higher values) are not the best...
pic 5
There are two things that are common to this entire series... the printing company, of course and the label "CORREOS Y TELEGRAFOS"... if we want to speak in detail about this series, we must say that these are in fact two series : the original and a posterior one with new values and we are treating here of two series mixed with those two points in common...I want to say a few words about some of the values :
1/2c) the two color varieties are presented, with the Ultramarine Blue and the Prussian blue (it is more like a slate blue, but it is not an Ultramarine , for sure...!)
1c) Sepia and Brown presented..
2c) several different shades and colors for this value... we have the violet (1st) , the slate (2nd), the Purple (4th), a dark slate (5th) and a Blue (????)(3rd).. I was expecting all the other varieties, but not a blue stamp.. it doesn't appear neither in Sc or in SG and I'm curious about it...
5c) for this 5c stamp we must know that two possibilities could exist : the small heads (2nd and 4th 5c stamps) and the large heads (1st and 3rd 5c stamps).. here I have examples of rose, Carmine , Scarlet and something related to Red Brown (1st small head)....
10c) the stamp presented here is the Deep Brown variety...
As I said before some of these stamps do not present the best printings and this notorious in the 1c, 40c, and 50c...
The personalities represented are : 1/4c) José Maria Paz 1/2c) General Urquiza 1c) Velez Sarsfield , 2c) Santiago Derqui 3c) Miguel Juarez Celman 5c) Bernardino Rivadavia 10c) Nicolás Avellaneda 12c) Juan Bautista Alberdi 40c) Mariano Moreno 50c) General Mitre
1888/1891 "Portraits" (14) [Recess (SABNC)] Sc(75,68,68,69,81,76,76b,??,76a, 76b,70,70,71,??,77,77,78,73,73,80,81)

pic 6
A series I would like very much to have in it's complete form...I have already 2 other stamps (1c,5c) in the collection, but 9 of them are still missing...some of the high 'peso' values are quite expensive , so I am seeing a long and calm "waiting" future...
1910 "Centenary of the Deposition of the Spanish Viceroy" (16) [Recess (SABNC,Buenos Aires)] Sc(160,162,166,167,170)
Now, I will start a small section with some [Litho] printed complete series ...

pic 7
nice designs and engravings, in a series dedicated to the memory of General Belgrano...from now on all the stamps were printed in the MINT, Buenos Aires...
1920 "Death Centenary of General Belgrano" (3) [Litho (Mint,Buenos Aires)] Sc(280,...,282)

[Left] 1920 "General Urquiza's Victory at Cepeda" (1) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(283)
[Right] 1920 "Birth Centenary of Dr. Juan Pujol" (1) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(247)
pic 8
pic 9
1921 "Birth Centenary of General Mitre" (2) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(284,285)
pic 10
A series with allegorical designs about the discovery of America by the first stamp we can see a "giant" figure holding a torch illuminating the way to the discovery by Columbus the 2nd stamp we can see Spain and Argentina holding hands , and the 3rd stamp show us America paying tribute to the statue of Columbus...
1929 "437th Anniversary of the Discovery of America by Columbus" (3) [Litho (MINT, Buenos Aires)] Sc(371,...,373,373)
Now , and to end this post, some stamps from incomplete series or individual series from the 20's to the 90's ...

[Right] 1933 "500th Anniversary of the Foundation of La Plata" (5) [Litho (MINT,Buenos Aires)] Sc(411)
pic 11

[Left] 1968 "Fishing in the National Parks" (1) [Des (H. Guimarans)][Engr (M.A.Cabrera)][Recess] Sc(829A)
[Right] "Pope John XXIII" (1) [Recess] Sc(763)
pic 12
This was a post more dedicated to the early days of the portrait [Recess] stamps...this influence of ABNC in all of these Central and South America Countries could be more studied and further investigation could come from future posts about stamps from these countries... I have for now to look out for the Seebeck Issues in countries from Central America and now a new goal has taken place....well, that's it!!
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