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Today , I present a Cuban selection of the 30's and 40' is interesting to see the US influence over this period of Cuban Philately..
I think that before seeing the stamps it is imperative to know why is this influence so great in this period... So I "dig" a little in the Net, and found this video about Cuba's history.. I think it is a good effort to give us a clear view of those days.. I hope this video don't give any Political problems to any of the viewers of this Blog... That is not the intention ; Stamps and Politics , don't mix.!!.
incomplete set [2] "Birth Centenary of Gen. I. A. Loynaz."
Issue in 10/04/1942
Perf: 10
SG(456) Sc(373)
Complete set "Birth Centenary of Major-Gen. Roloff"
Issue in 21/08/1944
Perf: 10
SG(481) Sc(392)
In addition to this stamp , this set has also a MS.. In this cases I usually consider the set as complete , because I am almost sure that I will never get that MS ... (and MS's don't enter in my list of wanted items.. with the money I need to spend to buy one , I will acquire many stamps (difficult to understand , but it is my point of view..!) .. However and for now on , I keep the Catalogs point of view..
Incomplete set [1 + SS] " Air. Centenary of 1st Adhesive Postage Stamps"
Issue in 29/11/1940
Perf: 10
SG(443) Sc(C32)

Issue in 28/10/1940
Perf : 10
SG(440) Sc(364)
[Right] Complete set "50th Anniv of Pan-American Union"
Issue in 30/04/1940
Perf: 10
SG(437) Sc(361)
issue in 30/12/1940
Perf: 10
SG(447) Sc(C35)
Incomplete set [8] "Inauguration of Maximo Gomez Monument"
issue in 18/11/1936
Perf: 12.5
SG(417) Sc(334)
stamp honouring Franklin D. Roosevelt... without collecting this particular topic, I already have some Roosevelt stamps from countries we sometimes were not expecting... [Roosevelt was a very important personality in the XX century, and was the US President in a time when many regions of the world were grateful for the decisive involvement of the USA in the II World War..]
Complete set "2nd Death Anniv of Pres. Roosevelt"
issue in 20/02/1947
Perf: 10
SG(495) Sc(405)

Issue in 10/11/1948
Perf: 10
SG(508) Sc(418)
[Right] Incomplete set [2] "Birth Centenary of Manuel Sanguily y Garritte (poet)"
Issue in 30/03/1949
Perf: 10
SG(526) Sc(435) Wmk

[Left] Complete set "Birth Centenary of E. Alfaro (former President of Ecuador)."
Issue in 20/09/1943
Perf : 10
SG(466) Sc(380) Wmk
[Right] Incomplete set 2 "450th Anniversary of the Discovery of America" AIR MAIL
Issue in 19/05/1944
Perf: 10
SG(477) Sc(C37) Wmk
Sorry for the condition of these stamps (damaged perforations...) ; Cuban cigars were an Icon in the 30's and 40's .. they were seen has symbols of Power and Status.. The Mighty Hollywood Film Industry contributed a lot to this idea, with all kinds of movies , with Gangsters and Big Company owners , smoking their long and smelly "Havana" Cigars... However cigars were and still are a great source of income for the economy of the Island
Incomplete set [3] "Havana tobacco Industry"
Issue in 28/08/1939
Perf: 10
SG(430,431) Sc(356,357)
Before finish, this long post, I want to say that all these Wmk's are , in fact, very difficult to see and some work has to be done to obtain a correct identification ..
Thanks for sharing...