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Today I will present a small selection of stamps from Venezuela...the time frame involved goes from 1872 to 1910, and in my opinion this is another great way to spend your time ! Yes,we will find the influence of ABNC and above all the omnipresence of Simon Bolivar , not only in the classics but throughout the time...You will see that the first stamps I will present have strange and out of the ordinary characteristics, and that the always agreeable presence of a large amount of [Recess] stamps is a fact....

Let's start with some of the classics...
The first thing we will notice , is that no country label is presented in these fact , we see the currency label below the vignette and the word "ESCUELAS" above it... these are Revenue stamps intended to collect funds for the construction and maintenance of Primary Schools..the word itself means "Schools" in Spanish...the stamps present us a portrait of Simon Bolivar and they have no perforation... the next fact to call out our attention is the pen cancellation's.. we have to know that from 1863 to 1870 Venezuela lived a state of Civil War, and these "Escuelas" stamps were used as Postal stamps until 1911 in some of the remote areas of the country...stamps with postal cancellation worth many, many more and all the values we can find in a catalog are just for these pen Cancelled stamps... the real surprise, only detected in a scan or using a magnifying lens , is that below the pen cancellation ,an overprint exists..!!.. in very small letters ,two overlapping lines repeat themselves, with the inferior one inverted... (it is very strange, and I have a scan with 1200ppp, just to see this.)...
This is a scan of the first stamp, all the 3 of them have the same overprint...Now an important point, that is a major distinction between different issues...
1) are there just one overprint or two identical overprints in the same stamp?'
You will see that this is very important,because it allow us to center our attention in a smaller period of time and in a smaller range of issues...
2) Does the stamp have a top overprint saying "Bolivar Sucre Miranda" and a foot overprint saying "Decreto de Abril de 1870" ?
2a) Does the stamp have just a Central overprint saying "Decreto de 27 de Junio de 1870"?
The answers are 1No,2No 2aYes so we can easily see that our stamps are from the 2a issue and now we can say that all the 3 stamps are from the 1872 issue ... [ in this point , SG present us two different Printing Houses , differing mainly in the quality of the impression... ] in my opinion, this impression is good ,but the 2r stamps present a pale color ,a pale red or rose red so the ornaments are not very clear,but in a closer view we see that all the details are present ..the 1r stamp is deep red or rose...
1872 "ESCUELAS / Simon Bolivar" (15) [Litho] Sc(28a,28a,27)

[CENTER STAMP] the center stamp is well accomplished,good design ,good engraving and again Simon Bolivar....
1882 "Simon Bolivar" (5) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(75)

1882 "ESCUELAS / Simon Bolivar" (8) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(79,81)

[LEFT] stamp from a 1893 'CORREOS' series.. another ABNC product with good quality...
1893 "CORREOS/ Simon Bolivar" (5) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(125)
[Right] a beautiful, beautiful stamp,!!..notice that the portraits used in these 4 last series are the same , with Bolivar looking right and/or left.. the original series with this 'INSTRUCCION' (Education) design is from 1893 but this particular stamp is from 1901,a "New colors" series... I want to talk now of a major , major disagreement between SG and Sc catalogs... Sc catalog tell us and I will quote " After July 1, 1895, stamps inscribed “Escuelas” or “Instruccion” were no longer available for postage" , but SG tell us that "stamps with the inscription 'ESCUELAS' or 'INSTRUCCION' are revenue stamps intended to collect a tax to defray the cost of state Primary Schools..Until 1911 they were also valid for Postal use in the absence of ordinary stamps, which often happened in the more remote post offices.."... because of this, I have no Sc code, only SG code...
1901 "INSTRUCCION / Simon Bolivar" (9) [Recess (ABNC)] SG(227)
This is a 1896 series ,known for the high quantity of forgeries existent..these stamps present a relatively high cv , when compared with other Venezuelan stamps, so the existence of forgeries is comprehensible... the catalogs tell us that the original paper is thin,semi transparent , very white and the gum is shiny and crackled... when we talk of the papers , these stamps all comply in two of the characteristics : the paper is thin and with some degree of transparency,but none of these stamps have a shiny glue... the yellow 25c stamp has an error in the foot label, and this is normal when we are talking of forgeries, so I think in the best of my options, I could have an original stamp (the 50c rose red),some of them I really don't know and one is fake (25c-- if you notice it is the only one with perfect perforation and limits...)... I present two 50c stamps,because one is red and the other is rose red (SG makes this distinction, not presented in Sc)
1896 "80th Death Anniversary of Gen. Francisco Antonio Gabriel de Miranda" (5) [Litho (Caracas)] Sc(169,...,173)
I think this is the right moment to introduce a piece of history taken from an old SG catalog , where we can see that those were strange and violent days also in Venezuela, with a Civil War happening...
A nice group of stamps , one more time , and after some of the Civil War issues, work of ABNC..the 5c stamp is missing yet..
1904 "General José De Sucre" (6) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(232,...,236)
also from 1904, a 'Instruccion' stamp, valid for current inland postage...
1904 "Instruccion / Simon Bolivar" (8) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc() SG(318)
This is a stamp from 1905 , from a series commemorating the revolt of 1889 that is described in the text above... at the center of the stamp, President Cipriano Castro is represented ... it is again a commemorative stamp resulting of inside work and not of foreign companies...
1905 "6th Anniversary of General Castro's Revolt of 23 of May 1899" (3) [Litho (Litografia Del Comercio, Caracas)] Sc(246)
A Beautiful stamp celebrating the Independence...
1910 "Centenary of the Independence" (1) [Des (Pablo W. Hernandez)][Recess (ABNC,NY)] Sc(249)
Well, today's post had a small number of stamps , but I exceeded myself in some talking about non essential subjects... but what is done is done, and I need to move on... In a few weeks I will have another post about Venezuela's stamps, starting in 1910 (where I finished this time..) and hopefully with already some new Classic entries (I became a fan of these classic stamps..)
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