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Today I will show another group of stamps from Russia...the stamps are from the period of 1948/1950 , completed with some small definitive stamps from 1966 and will be a post without many to say ,because the stamps are [Photo] printed (exception made for the 1988 stamps...) and all of you know that I feel somehow 'disarmed' (speechless) in front of them, without many to say, except to talk a little about their design, always nice and appealing...well ,lets start...
As you already know , when I am working with [Photo] stamps ,I have to use a smaller definition of the scans, to protect the final result, with more detailed images .. with these stamps . the greater the definition, smaller is the level of I think that 300ppp are the best definition to use with these stamps...this is a beautiful war series , that show us images of the 4 branches of the Soviet Army...
1948 "30th Anniversary of the Soviet Defence Forces" (4) [Des (Ye. Sokolov)][Photo] Sc(1205,...,1208)

A series of landscapes commemorating the Crimea and Caucasus regions....for me, and I think most of you have a different opinion, Russian stamps started poorly if we compare them with other countries, but from the 30's until the 70's they reached enormous quality and richness...this period for me , from the 30's to the 50's is the best ,but it could be much better if the printing options were others...
1948 "Views of Crimea and Caucasus" (8) [Des (V. Andreev)][Photo] Sc(1310,...,1317)
A series celebrating the increasing Women's role in Russian society... the series has 7 stamps, but only 6 are presented because the other one (identical to the 40k but with value 2r) was already in the collection...the designs are work of Vasili Vasilievich Zavyalov, one of the best Russian stamp Designers, with work from the 30's to the late 60's..only the 50k stamp is work of other Artist...
1949 "International Women's Day" (7) [Des (V. Savyalov)(L. Golovanov 50k)][Photo] Sc(1334,...,1339)
two stamps honoring Ivan Pavlov, a Great Scientist from Russia...
now let us focus for some moments the love/hate response..,here it is something that either you love or hate ..( !!why??!!..) ..there is no "middle ground".. the Band's name is "Pavlov's Dog" ...
1949 "Birth Centenary of I.P. Pavlov(Scientist)" (2) [Des (V. Klimashin)][Photo] Sc(1390,1391)
Culture as we know was something very important in Russian society, so here we have a series celebrating the foundation of a theater in Moscow...
1949 "125th Anniversary of the Malyi Theater,Moscow" (3) [Des (Ye. Bulanova)][Photo] Sc(1400,...,1402)
A very nice Sport series, with some of the favorite sports of the Russians in those days...I just want to highlight the last stamp,representing something like "Hunting in the Ice" is something that represents very well the the effects of time in our mentalities..what was then something current and absolutely normal is now in the field of the most incorrect things we can do... to hunt endangered species like most of the animals of the ice...
1949 "National sports" (5) [Des (V. Zavyalov)][Photo] Sc(1415,...,1419)
1950 "25th Anniversary of Uzbek S.S.R." (6) [Des (V. Andreev)][Photo] Sc(1429,...,1434)
These are some blocks of 4 from the definitive series of 66...I think that this series doen't have anything special, well the opposite of the 61 series, a spectacular one (in my opinion...)..I already had all these stamps in the collection but not in this format,so now is a good opportunity to show them and allow them to enter the collection...I will not present the codes, but I must highlight that this is another good work of Savyalov.....

Among the many material I've got from the 70's and 80's ,I found this beautiful [Recess] series...the designs are very nice and the detail is taken to another higher level...of course in this case I have used 600ppp scans and the images are much better than all the is another series of small definitive stamps , this time from 1988... very well accomplished stamps...
1988 "Standart Issue" (12) [Des (V. koval)][Recess] Sc(5723,...,5726,5728,...,5732)
This time it was a short post ,but I think the stamps I presented were time ,another post with Spanish stamps... Until then,
Серия спорт "Спорт в СССР" 2 выпуск .В углу значок «Гото́в к труду́ и оборне СССР» (ГТО) — программа физкультурной подготовки в общеобразовательных, профессиональных и спортивных организациях в СССР, основополагающая в единой и поддерживаемой государством системе патриотического воспитания молодёжи. Существовала с 1931 по 1991 год. Охватывала население в возрасте от 10 до 60 лет.
DeleteThank you for your comment and the useful additional information...I finally found a Russian catalog in English and I will buy it tomorrow... Meanwhile, if You don't mind I want to ask you to see one of my last posts in "Artinstamps" about the Russian Designer Leonid Golovanov... I will be waiting for your opinion to see if it is every thing according to the Russian catalogs...
(Luis filipe)