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Luxembourg stamps from the beginning of the XX century are among those we do not want to fail on our collection...the beauty and all the glamour from the 1920's are indeed known marks of these stamps , with the presence of 3 Grand Duke's and Duchesses' is the time of the large definitive portrait series,but there is also space for some beautiful engraved pictorial series by Henry Cheffer,one the Greatest engravers from France...we will start in 1921 with two small pictorial series..

this time there is no optical illusion..! the first (left) stamp is a little smaller than the other two..the series represent motifs from Luxembourg Region [Vianden Castle, factory at Esch and the Bridge over Alzette]...The design is from Cheffer , but I don't have a confirmation of his work in the engraving, but I think it is also part of his large Artistic gift to our hobby...later in this post I will present again the 1Fr and 2 Fr stamps, but as part of a New colors series issued in 1924/1926...
1921 "Various Designs" (3) [Design (Henry Cheffer)][Recess] Sc(126,128,130)

Now we have a War Fund series, where the focus is really on Cheffer's work.. the design is very detailed and the engraving is of high quality, giving to the stamp a high degree of beauty is in the end a very appealing series to the collector...these stamps appear again ,with a new surcharge ,later in time...
1921 "War Fund" (3) [Design (Henry Cheffer)][Engr (Henry Cheffer)][Recess] Sc(B1,...,B3)

The other stamp at right was used in the War fund series above , but the use of black color gives it a little extra ',.....!'
1923 "Ecthernach" (1) [Des (Rudolf Junk)][Engr (Ferdinand Schirnbock)][Recess] Sc(153)
1923 "View from Luxembourg" (1) [Des/Engr (Henry Cheffer)][Recess] Sc(152)

These are the designs from 1921 that were used now in 1924 in this New Color series , together with stamps from 1906 (Coats of arms) and other from 1921 with a portrait of Grand Duchess Charlotte...
1924/1926 "New colors Series" (9) [Recess] Sc(127,129)
This right profile portrait of Grand Duchess Charlotte was the base for her 2nd definitive series,issued from 1926 to 1935...The first one , showing the Duchess in a front portrait ,was designed and engraved by our Henry Cheffer, but this 2nd series was work of is a very nice stamp , very well accomplished..high level of detail,good engraving, etc..The series is not completed, with 10 values still missing ; some of them are values already presented but with other colors...
1926/1935 "Grand Duchess Charlotte" (27) [Recess (ABNC)] Sc(159,160,162,164,163,165,169,170,171,172,175,174,176,177,178,182,185)
Now I have 3 small Charity series representing Young Members of the Royal Family...this first series show us the portrait of Prince Jean, the eldest son of Duchess Charlotte.. this is a child Welfare series, with the particularity of not presenting the tax fact , any of these 3 series present it...the [Photo] printing is also something we have to consider here, because of the usual [Recess] printings..
1926 "Child Welfare Fund" (5) [Photo] Sc(B15,...,B19)
Now it is the time for Princess Elizabeth portrait appear on the Central vignette..the frame motifs and ornaments are very beautiful and despite the [photo] printing , these are also well accomplished stamps...
I have now to talk about the 'orange yellow' background cardboard that appeared in this last two images...the images had complete series of 5 stamps, and the usual small card it is not sufficiently long to contain them all.. so now and in future posts , when I need to present small complete series I will use this new card as background for the stamps...
1927 "Child Welfare Fund" (5) [Photo] Sc(B25,...,B29)
In general, these are identical to the other previous charity stamps, with some minor changes in the frames...I am of course,very glad to have these series in my collection , but if you ask me if I like them , I probably say no... perhaps a designed portrait would help to change my opinion, or engraved frames, keeping the photographic vignettes...well,that's what we have..let us keep it.!
1928 "Child welfare Fund" (5) [Photo] Sc(B30,...,B34)
And Now , " The Great Popular Edition of the Wonderful Voyages to the Known and Unknown Worlds of Jules Verne"

As you already know , just by viewing the pictures, these are stamps based in the life and work of the Great French Science Fiction & Adventure Writer Jules Verne...there is one stamp for each one of these 11 famous literary works of the Author...of course, the Monaco Post Office Department choose this group of adventures but there are many more and almost all could be presented here and be again immortalized in these beautiful stamps...10 of the 11 stamps are for common postage service, and the last and highest value (200Fr) is a Air Mail stamp..
I was talking for some time of acquiring this series and a few days ago I stumble in a 1887 2nd edition of the Book "The 1860 Eclipse" ,where I found that beautiful Introduction phrase that I used before showing the stamps... well, I bought the book and an hour later I was buying this series ...

To turn all this joyful picture into a even better one , the presence of some French engravers turn out to be the 'cherry at the top of the cake'.!..we have Gandon, Cheffer, Dufresne,Mazelin,Serres, Busiere,Cotett,Piel, Miermont and Andre Fréres...The stamp Designer is a very important Monaco Artist called Bernard Minne,with most of his work in the Poster business...well , it is a beautiful series and one of the best ways I can think of ending this post...
1955 "50th Death Anniversary of Jules Verne" (11) [Des (Bernard Minne)][Engr (Henry Cheffer 25F)(Pierre Gandon 2F,8F)(Charles Mazelin 15F)(Robert Cotett 10F)(Andre Fréres 200F)(Raoul Serres 5F)(Jules Piel 3F)(Charles-Paul Dufresne 1F)(Louis Busiere 30F)(Jean Miermont 6F)][Recess] Sc(300,...,349,C45)
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