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Today we will have another post about the beautiful stamps of Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika... This time , some stamps of King George V...
In the end of the post , some Personality stamps from Czechoslovakia...
Kenya , Uganda and Tanganyika
I will present the stamps individually , because they all are beautifully designed and worked...
1935/1937 "King George V" (14) [Perf 14 (5c,50c,1s,2s) 13(15c,20c,30c) 12 x 13(10c)][Des (5c,50c ?)(10c A. Ross)(15c,1s,2s G. Gil Holmes)(20c R.C. Luck)(30c R.N. Ambasana)][Typo (10c) Recess (De La Rue & Co. Ltd , London) (all others)] Sc(47,48,49,50,51,52,54,55)

In the 5c stamp there are two main varieties... I) the most common, and the one represented in the picture above , where you can see that the rope doesn't touch the sail.. let me specify that it is the leftmost rope that we must see.. II) in the other variety , the rope actually touch the sail .. in this case the stamp values more ; but if it has Perf 12 x 13 (instead of 14) and Type I) , then it ' jumps' to a CV £ 550 (Used).. it is so difficult to have one of this stamps , that I prefer to joke with all of this , but I am beginning to give a more careful look to all the spare stamps....
1935 "Silver Jubilee" (4) [Perf 14 x 13.5][Des (H. Fleury)][Recess (De La Rue Co. Ltd,London)] Sc(42,...,45)
In other post about the KUT stamps , I have already presented the 20c stamp of this series .. in this series we also have some small particularities to look for... I have any of them to present you , so I cannot document them , and to be here talking about little dots and lines without presenting the right place where they should fit , it is a 'empty' exercise...
There are houses build for comfort, cars build for speed, and there are also stamps build for Detail..! Commonwealth had many of these stamps where "the scarce simply ' pop up ' from the common" in a blink of an eye..!! As Ferrari's of Precision , these kind of stamps cannot be traded or exchanged without a closer look to every detail available... Of Course a specialized catalog is always necessary...!!
1949 "75th Anniversary of the UPU" (4) [Perf 14 x 13.5 (20c) 13 x 13.5 (1s) 11 x 11.5 (30c,50c)][Des (Waterlow and Sons Limited , London 20c,1s)(Bradbury Wilkinson 30c,50c)][Recess (WS 20c,1s) Typo (BW 30c,50c)] Sc(94,...,97)
There are houses build for comfort, cars build for speed, and there are also stamps build for Detail..! Commonwealth had many of these stamps where "the scarce simply ' pop up ' from the common" in a blink of an eye..!! As Ferrari's of Precision , these kind of stamps cannot be traded or exchanged without a closer look to every detail available... Of Course a specialized catalog is always necessary...!!
1949 "75th Anniversary of the UPU" (4) [Perf 14 x 13.5 (20c) 13 x 13.5 (1s) 11 x 11.5 (30c,50c)][Des (Waterlow and Sons Limited , London 20c,1s)(Bradbury Wilkinson 30c,50c)][Recess (WS 20c,1s) Typo (BW 30c,50c)] Sc(94,...,97)
It is known to the few of you who follow this blog, that I like Personality stamps.. many of our Hobby friends don't like them , because sometimes they are not beautiful or are a boring kind of stamps, I don't know ,there are many ways to dislike Personality stamps..!.
I think that they are one of the most effective ways of immortalize someone... and in the Czech case they have immortalized many people and they done it with admirable artistry, with their great Designers and Engravers...
Many of the definitive series that were and still are issued by the various National Post Office's , could be classified as Personality stamps... They honored the Kings or Presidents or distinct figures of society .. what should be considered a Personality stamp is something to be 'asked' and 'cleared'...
1948/1949 "President Klement Gottwald" (6) [Perf 12.5][Des (Jindra Schmidt)][Recess (Jindra Schmidt)] Sc(363,364,365,366)
1948/1949 "President Klement Gottwald" (6) [Perf 12.5][Des (Jindra Schmidt)][Recess (Jindra Schmidt)] Sc(363,364,365,366)
I present the 15h stamp, but I cannot find the correct Scott code... it is still missing me..(It's there allright, but I cannot find it..!)
1949 "Poets" (6) [Perf 14][Photo] Sc(374,...,377)
There are two more stamps in the series ( that are already in my collection) , with Perf 12.5 and they are Recess stamps..
No design data of these stamps... if you know something , please contact me... I still don't have a Czech Catalog...
No design data of these stamps... if you know something , please contact me... I still don't have a Czech Catalog...
1945/1947 "President's" (16) [Perf 12 x 12.5 (60h,3K) 14 (1.60K)][Des (Jindra Schmidt)][Recess (Jindra Schmidt)(60h,3K)][Photo (1.60k)] Sc(294,303,297)
The personality in Focus is President Edvard Benes ... This series could be considered as a all or as 3 different series... I prefer the first hypotheses ...The series has 3 different designs from 3 different Personalities... President Masaryk , President Benes and General Milan Stefánik
It is also divided in two parts , one issued from 1945 to 1947 (12 stamps) (Recess / Perf 12 x 12.5) and other only in 1945 ( 4 stamps) (Photo / Perf 14)..
This is an older stamp, representing Czechoslovakia breaking chains to Freedom...
As you can see the upper right stamp is damaged, and all the block has a large hinge ..
1920/1925 "Various Designs" (10) [Perf 14][Des ?][Typo] Sc(87)
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