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This has been a tough week for me , with many deviations and delays of what I had initially planned ... however I was relatively lucky because i have started to classify the Belgium stamps I have to show today, early on Tuesday, so most of the work was already done when I reached the Weekend where many things happened..
Well ,never mind what happened or not because I have to start the post, and i will start it by saying that in my previous post with Belgium stamps I have showed other stamps from the same large lot...I have stamps from 1885 to 1958 and this time a large part of the series presented are not completed...
Another thing I must highlight is the fact that a new Background Card is used starting today... the old blue one was left and a new one 'kraft brown' colored is used.. it has a small story that someday I will talk about...
These are king Leopold II stamps from the 1884/1891 series.. this series has lots of different frames and if You watch clearly, You will see that none of the papers presented is white... in the first case we have a Red over «soft/pale blue», in the 2nd olive Green over Green , 3rd Blue over Rose ( and here in the 25c stamp,we could have also the blue over pale rose.. they are clearly different shades of rose..) and the ocher over buff....
You will also find Mouchon's signature in the bottom right of the stamp (specially clear in the 10c stamp..).. I don't have in my catalogs the information about the designer of this stamp,but in the Net the info is that the designer was Henri Hendrickx... only two of the stamps are new to the collection (20c and 50c) .. the others are spares...
1884/1891 "King Leopold II" (11) [Des (Henri Hendrickx)][Engr (Eugene Mouchon)][Typo] Sc(52,53,56,58)
This design represents a coat of Arms ... from 1893 to 1914 all the stamps that were issued had this label attached,that basically says "Do Not Deliver on Sunday" ...I present here the 2c in it's 2 colors and the 5c stamp with two different shades ( I already got other two yellow green stamps in the collection...)..however the blue green is still missing...the 1c is the slate/dark grey, but there is another variety with grey only...
1893/1894 "Coat of Arms" (4) [Des (Eugene Mouchon)][Engr (Albert Doms)][Typo] Sc(60,61,63,64,64)

This is a series of 1896, publicizing the Brussels Exhibition of you can see the series is complete but the last stamp of 10c (there are two 10c stamps), don't present the attached label, so it's value is reduced by half (if it had any significant cv) ...the colors are slate violet, purple brown and light brown (Terra-Cotta , in SG catalog...)..
1896 "1897 Brussels Exhibition" (3) [Des ( Gerard Portieltje 5c)(Alfred Van Neste 10c)][Engr (Eugene Mouchon)][Typo] Sc(79,...,81)
These are stamps from the 1st King Albert I series... this series has 5 different designs... A numeral, a Coat of Arms, the Belgium's Lion and the King's Portrait (with Minor and Large Head..).. the two portraits present are from the Normal or minor Head series...
1912 "King Albert I" (11) [Des (Edward Pellens)][Engr (Evely)][Typo] Sc(92,94,95,96)
these are examples of the Large Head series... I must say that there could be differences in this series , because the stamps could have the name of the designer in the bottom or not...the 2nd 10c stamp has the name and the others don't... if You have difficulty seeing the difference between "Large head" and "small head" stamps ,just look fort two small squares in the upper frame corners of the vignette... they only exist in the "small Head" stamps...
1912/1914 "King Albert I (Large Head Design)" (7) [Des (Edward Pellens)][Engr (Evely)][Typo] Sc(103a,103,105,105)
A Complete series from 1938 about the 1939 Liege International Water Exhibition... it celebrates the finishing of the works to open the «King Albert Canal»...the stamps show us four different views of that Canal, and in the last stamp, the Ultramarine one, we can see a picture of the King wearing an Army's Helmet ( immortalized in a series of stamps from 1919..).. This was an Exhibition about the Water in Our planet...
1938 "Liege International Exhibition" (4) [Des (Jean Malvaux )][Photo] Sc(318,...,321)
Another complete series honoring the Centenary of a Mail boat Service , that for sure has connected all the colonies with Belgium.. this is yet another example of this period, with all the stamps printed mainly in [Photo]... in these cases, to have more detail is to have less resolution in the scans... that's why the pictures appear ( when You click them..) with a smaller format...I have showed another 1.35F stamp in a previous post,but I present this one to have the picture of the complete series...
1946 "Ostend-Dover Mail-boat Service Centenary" (3) [Photo] Sc(368,...,370)
Series about the Belgium main Products and Industries ... a particularity of this series is that it has stamps in [Photo 1st,2nd,3rd], [Typo 4th,5th] and [Recess / others] printings...the 2.25F ( very damaged stamp) and the 3.15F (bad overall aspect..) stamps are in bad shape.. sorry ..
1948/1949 "Production & Industry" (12) [Photo][Typo][Recess] Sc(375,...,380)(383,384)
Series celebrating a Congress of the UPU in Brussels... the pictures are from members of the House of Thurn and Taxis... the designs are work of William Goffin and the Engraver was Jean De Bast.. in the 4F stamps this order was inversed... We can clearly see this by the signatures at the left and right sides of the designs (part of the design itself..)... Jean De Bast Engraving works are always of extreme quality,so we have here a nice group of stamps... the series is not complete,unfortunately...
1952 "13th UPU Congress, Brussels" (12) [Des (William Goffin)(Jean De Bast)][Engr (Jean De Bast)(William Goffin)][Recess] Sc(435,436,438,439,440,441)
series commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Rotary International.. the symbol of the Organization appears in the 3 stamps that complete the series...
1954 "50th Anniversary of Rotary International / 5th Rotary Regional Conference, Ostend" (3) [Des (Jean Van Notten)][Engr (Leon Janssens)][Recess] Sc(479,...,481)
The talent and virtuosity of the violinist Eugene Ysaye is celebrated and honored in this stamp..
again a beautiful Engraving work and Design... the frame is [Typo] printed and the vignette is [Recess] printed...
1958 "Centenary of the Birth of Eugene Ysaye" (1) [Des (Jean Van Noten)][Engr (Leon Janssens)][Typo][Recess] Sc(525)
We reach the end of the post with this musical stamp ...
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