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I was thinking of doing some work with Israeli stamps, but at the last moment, I decided myself for the Brazilian ones...some of my first stamps were from Brazil but until now there was an enormous gap in my collection.. I didn't had any D. Pedro that I've got some of them I really want to have many more, not only by the presence of a great amount of color shades, but also for the beautiful designs and at last by the work and influence, again, of ABNC...
These are 3 beautiful stamps from the D.Pedro II 1866/1868 series... the stamps of this series present several different frames, sometimes with the same vignette, as in these stamps...As I said above , the stamps were designed, engraved and printed by ABNC, New York, and this influence is very notorious... at the same time it increases the quality of the stamps, because in those days American stamps, were known to be very well printed...from the very detailed and well designed frame to the frame ornaments, everything seems to be very ABNC.
My SG catalog has references of the existence of many shades of the Green 100r, but I don't know if there are also shades in the other values of the series... that's a future task for me , to buy some more spare stamps from some of these values to better understand and study this some cases, the stamps could be printed in a "blued" paper, and this fact increases a lot it's value... this only happens in the stamps until 100r , the high values , 200r and 500r , are excluded from this 'talk'...
to end this small presentation of this 1866 series , I need to talk about two small details...the first is the possible existence of two types of 100r stamps :
I only have one of these stamps, so just one of the two types are presented... the leftmost top ornament has a very faint border (Type 1) or a clear double border line (type 2)...
This is clearly a type 1 stamp...
The 2nd is that in 1876/1877 a new series is printed with the same designs and values, but without a clear 12 perforation... this new series is rouletted , like the two following stamps...
1866/1868 "Emperor D. Pedro II" (7) [Des/Engr (ABNC,New York)][Recess (ABNC,New York)] Sc(53,56,58)


My SG catalog has references of the existence of many shades of the Green 100r, but I don't know if there are also shades in the other values of the series... that's a future task for me , to buy some more spare stamps from some of these values to better understand and study this some cases, the stamps could be printed in a "blued" paper, and this fact increases a lot it's value... this only happens in the stamps until 100r , the high values , 200r and 500r , are excluded from this 'talk'...
to end this small presentation of this 1866 series , I need to talk about two small details...the first is the possible existence of two types of 100r stamps :
I only have one of these stamps, so just one of the two types are presented... the leftmost top ornament has a very faint border (Type 1) or a clear double border line (type 2)...
This is clearly a type 1 stamp...
The 2nd is that in 1876/1877 a new series is printed with the same designs and values, but without a clear 12 perforation... this new series is rouletted , like the two following stamps...
1866/1868 "Emperor D. Pedro II" (7) [Des/Engr (ABNC,New York)][Recess (ABNC,New York)] Sc(53,56,58)
this is the rouletted series of 1878/1879 , presenting us an older Emperor with a clear white beard..I want to emphasize that these two stamps are presented with different sizes, but we all know that the stamps are of the same size ( for those who are not experienced in scans , I could say that if we apply the same scan detail [600ppp in this case] to the two stamps separately , the final result will be different depending on the size of the background paper that appear [ the limits You define for the scan ] ; when I'm taking the scans I'm not thinking in joining them in a a solo image [but I should be!!], and this is unfortunately what happens!!!)
Another beautiful series with lots of different frames and even some different is again work of ABNC,New York ...
1878/1879 "Emperor D. Pedro II" (10) [Des/Engr (ABNC,New York)][Recess (ABNC,New York)] Sc(72,75)
this is one of the stamps from the series known as "Small Heads"... I don't have any other stamps of this or the other next series , also known as "Larger Heads" ... I think that there must be a difference in sizes , but it is easy to distinguish the two 50r of each one of them (and I know the other by looking at the catalog..) simply by the design... there are several differences but the one that is more clear to me is the curvature of the base of emperor's neck (in my "small head" stamp) , differing from the almost flat base neck of the "Large Head" stamp...
Other strange aspect is that SG talks about a dull blue or bright blue for this 50r stamp... I think this is definitely not a dull blue , but it is not a bright blue neither ; it is a particular blue, not the one we call commonly as blue...I think one more time that the existence of many shades is a distinct possibility.. there are plenty of interesting features in this series.
1881 "Emperor D. Pedro II (Small Heads)" (3) [Recess] Sc(79)
This and the next stamp, belong to that group of stamps I rather have in used condition than like this... I should have taken the scan with a lower resolution, but I preferred to show them this way, but there is always a problem.. the stamps are not prepared for this detail and all the imperfections appear... imperfections in the illustration and engraving.. I don't know if I've got a good or a fake stamp!! there are two many bad details , specially in the next stamp... but In the end i think they are both genuine stamps, only because their value don't justify the existence of fake stamps...
1915 "300th Anniversary of the discovery of Cape Frio" (1) [Des (H.T. da Silva)][Engr (J.B.Paiva)][Litho] Sc(195)
1916 "300th Anniversary of the City of Belem" (1) [Des (H.T. da Silva)][Engr (J.B.Paiva)][Litho] Sc(196)

This is the complete 'Centenary of the Independence' Series... I already had the 300r stamp, and the fact allowed me to see that there are different shades from this green stamp..
The first stamp, a blue 100r represents what happened at the margins of the river Ipiranga , that lead to the War of Independence and to the Brazil Independence from the Portuguese Empire... ; the second one, represents a portrait of the emperor side by side with one of José Bonifácio ; the third stamp represents the National Expostion of Rio de Janeiro and a portrait of President Pessoa...
1922 "Independence Centenary" (3) [Des( MINT, Rio de Janeiro 100r,200r)][Des (Waterlow and sons Limited, London)][Recess [Waterlow and Sons Limited, London)] Sc(260,...,262)

These are stamps from a very famous Air Mail series, with focus on the contribution of Brazilian Pioneers to the development of Aviation...some strange and "wild" Airships were represented in this [Typo] printed is a complex series, and it is not complete , with 3 more High values missing, this time [Recess] printed stamps...
When we are working with this series we must have in mind that 4 different Wmk's are used in the series...


Two Printings of the five [Typo] stamps above existed, one with Wmk A ("CM" in Multiple Stars) (1929) and the other with Wmk B ("Southern Cross") (1934) ; Wmk C ("CASA DA MOEDA" between rows of Stars) was used for the 3 high values (2000r,5000r,10000r, and the Wmk 4 ("BRASIL CORREIO" repeated in columns) was only used in a single stamp of 5000r.
Other aspect we should be aware of is the great variety of different perforations that could exist in all the 3 High values ;I had already two stamps , one of 50r and the other of 300r in the collection, and I think we can add to all of this the presence of color shades, because my two 50r present very different greens...
So, after this considerations I think this is a challenging series to collect.. it has many of the ingredients necessary for a good "meal".!!..
1929 "AIR MAIL / Brazilian Aviation Pioneers" (8) [Des (Dr. G. Barroso)][Typo] Sc(C17,...,C21)
To end this small post , I have a series from 1946...
it is a complete series , and the stamps, as you can see are not presented according to their fv... a simple and clear view of the 6 engraved stamps, show us the presence of Waterlow and sons, with 3 magnificent stamps representing a plane over Rio de Janeiro...
The first stamp is [litho] printed and the other 6 are [Recess] printed by Waterlow...
1946 "5th Postal Union Congress of the Americas and Spain" (7) [Litho (MINT) 40c][Engr /Recess (Waterlow and Sons, Limited, London) others] Sc(643,...,649)
Well, it all for today... I have more Commemoratives from Brazil,but they will be presented in a future post, where I am expecting to have many more D. Pedro II stamps...
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